Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

Evaluation of Call Me Maybe Lip Sync task

This is the preliminary music video that I shot and edited. The chosen song was Carly Rae Jepson's Call Me Maybe as this was a song that we all felt comfortable with miming to as we all were familiar with the lyrics. Due to this being a task set in lesson, we were unable to plan the execution of our video, which resulted in us just making it up and going into the video with no clear vision or understanding. This is definitely something that I've learned from and will change when I shoot my final music video.

This task proved to be a lot harder to shoot and edit then I initially thought it would be as I realised how accurate you have to be as the slightest inaccuracy can completely ruin the look of the music video.

Considering this was only a practice exercise, I am happy with the overall result I achieved. I think the lip syncing is successful the majority of the time however there are a few moments that
are slightly out of sync with the track which obviously wouldn't be acceptable for my final project.

As Carly Rae Jepson's song is quite a fun, young and up beat song, my main brief for the video was for the actors to have fun and enjoy themselves, hence why i used a lot of scenes from out takes in the video to harbour the youthful fun vibe of my actors.

This is a screenshot demonstrating the editing process, the little pink blobs are markers which helped me to edit to the beat. I also used the markers to match when the singer on the track sang certain lines so I could match it up with my actresses lip sync.

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