Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Test Shoot

Below are some images I took when I did my test shoot for my music video.

This is a shot of Primrose Hill, this is the place that I have chosen to film the time lapse for my video and the set for my artist to be hanging out with her friends. I chose this place in particular because its's an infamous place for tourists and young people to hang out as the view is amazing and it is only two stops away from Camden Town on the bus. The one issue with this shot is that because I focussed mainly on the landscape the skyline looks washed out.

This was an accidental shot that I took when I was playing with the focus button on my camera but I thought it looked really good because it captured the colours from the sun and her hair beautifully.

This is a screenshot of the footage I retrieved from my first attempt at filming the time lapse. As you can see the picture is quite drab compared to the other pictures which were all taken on the same day, this was because the footage was highly exposed thus resulting in this looking like there was an overcast.

In my video I want to be experimental in my choice of shots, so I tested out an extreme close up shot on my friends eye, as in my video I want to show my artist putting on mascara so I wanted to see if this would be doable. However as you can see the focus was on her hair mainly so the eye isn't as clear as it could be.
Here is my second attempt at an extreme close up, I believe this one is much better as there is more focus on her eyeball and eyelashes compared to the first one.

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