Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Monday, 27 October 2014
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Recce of possible locations
I've recently conducted a recce of potential locations for my video and I found that:
- Camden Lock is a nice location to film as there are loads of young trendy people just hanging around, people who fir my target audience.
- Camden Lock is beautiful at night in person but doesn't come across so well on camera; it was too dark to film.
- Camden High street looked beautiful at night and due to it being a well lit street, the camera was able to pick up everything.
- Primrose Hill has a beautiful view of London, which could feature in my video, a bit of iconography stating that my artist is a London girl born and bread.
- Primrose Hills' sunset is really beautiful and very popular and would be a perfect location to film my time lapse and for my montage of my artists daily routine.
- Harrow arts centre - I originally planned to use their facilities for the bathroom and dance rehearsal scene as their toilets kind of remind me of the toilets from Harry Potter they're rather big and its quite dark and gloomy in there so it could look really good for the scene where she's looking at her self in the mirror. I'm also contemplating whether I should also use their dance studio to shoot the scene where my artist turns up late for rehearsals or just use the dance studio in my school.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Digipak Conventions
Conventions of a Digipak
Front Panel - Artist name (bigger text than the title), album title, close-up of the artists face, parental advisory, capture the genre, direct appeal to the target audience.
Back Panel - Song titles, bar code, copyright information, information about the record label, website, continuing the theme of the front cover.
Spine - Name of artist, name of the album, record label, reference number, font/colour scheme continues the theme.
Interior Panels - Detailed credits, lyrics, continuing the theme of the rest of the album, a message, images of the artist or setting, CD tray has image behind it, spread an image across two panels on the inside.
CD Tray - Image of the artist or setting, continuing theme of the rest of the sides.
Below is a template of a Digipak
Monday, 20 October 2014
Target Audience
Target Audience:
The target audience is indie or sadcore lovers aged between 16- 25 of the female sex as most females can relate to the video because the video is a bildungsroman of my artist as she is reflecting on the troubles from her past, that resulted in her being the successful artist she is today. The audience will see the music video in a narrative and cognitive light, this is because the music video tells a story which interests the audience but also informs the audience about choices and making the right ones, she's basically speaking directly to her audience and telling them how important it is to not waste opportunities. The music video is unique from the regular music video, it will get the audience thinking and will allow them to interpret their own story into it.
The function that my video will serve to my audience is the media theorist idea of the use and gratification theory, my video will be useful to my audience because it will not only entertain them but inform them as well, whether it's informing them about her life or that it is never too late to get your life back on track, if you're willing to be helped.
Music fans tend to use songs and artists to help construct their own cultural and visual identity, whether it's through copying the artists style or embodying the lyrics of the song. My particular artist is fairly old fashioned but with a contemporary edge, her style will be a reflection of this, her fans will then incorporate this in their own looks, from wearing a headband, to back combing their hair, to having winged eye liner.
My artists song will be consumed mainly through Youtube as I don't think broadcasting my video on a mainstream music channels will be appropriate for my artist and her audience, as my audience are young people who spend most of their time out with friends or online.
Below is an example of a potential core audience member for my video:
Name: Manna
Age: 17
Info: Student, College - studying French, English and Psychology
She loves reading, listening to music, going on Tumblr (an online blog site) and socialising with friends and her favourite place to go and have fun is Camden. "Camden is such an amazing city, with an amazing music scene, it's always buzzing and there's always an amazing atmosphere there and I love that you're able to meet so many different people from all different walks of life."
Manna likes listening to an array of different genres of music such as: Indie, pop, rock etc.
It is because of this why I think Manna and people similar to her would be my core target audience as her favourite artists are similar to my artist and she also likes songs that have a story, something she can relate to and this single for my artist second album fits this ideology perfectly as it all about a loss soul that is in denial an issue that many young people have to go through, trying to find themselves.
Discussion of any influences you have had.
Artists from left to right: Lana Del Rey, Amy Whinehouse, Dionne Bromfield, Nancy Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Eliza Doolittle.
The construction of my artist have been greatly influenced by these six artists as even though they are fairly different, they all have similar sounds and all embody the characteristics that I wish my artist to acquire. From the style of Amy, to Nancy's hair to the attitude of Lana, the sassyness of Ella, the quirkiness of Eliza and the likeability factor of Dionne.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Music Video Storyboard
Below is the first draft of my storyboard for my music video.
The pictures illustrate:
- a woman putting on lipstick
- a woman lying down on a chaise long whilst a therapist is talking to her
- a woman performing on stage
- a door with AA on it (AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous)
- a woman speaking up in an AA meeting
- a woman looking at herself in a toilet mirror
- a woman drinking out of a coffee cup
- shots of Camden high street
- a girl in toilets
- a girl in the streets of Camden
- a close up of a girl looking tired
Friday, 10 October 2014
Introduction To My Artist
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Music Video director - research
Name: Anthony Mandler
Age: 41
Born in: Denver, Colorado, United States of America
Date of Birth: April 18th 1973
Occupation: American film director, music video director, television commercial director and photographer.
Renowned work:
Jay Z and Justin Timberlake, “Holy Grail;” Rihanna – “Diamonds;” Drake – “Find Your Love” Anthony Mandler is Rihanna's favourite video director as the two have reportedly come together for 16 different music videos, beginning with "Unfaithful" in 2006 and most recently "Diamonds" in 2012.
He has also written and directed music videos for other prominent artists including: Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Eminem, Usher, Shakira, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, 50 Cent, Ne-Yo, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Snoop Dogg, Cheryl Cole, M.I.A., Duran Duran, Mary J Blige, Fun and Lana Del Rey. From the array of different artists he's worked with it's clear to see that he's a versatile director as he has collaborated with people from all different type of music genres from pop videos for Cheryl Cole and Taylor Swift to rap/ hip-hop videos for Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent.
Director's style:
From watching a lot of his videos it is clear to see that he loves a narrative. Below are a few videos that illustrate this:
This is a song and video that depicts a relationship to be similar to a drug addiction as the low points in the relationship are like withdraws from drugs.
Below are screenshots taken from music videos directed by Anthony Mandler, Ride by Lana Del Rey, Only Girl and Diamonds by Rihanna. Both videos share Goodwin's theory of Star image as they both feature either close ups of the artist or extreme close ups to connect them to their audiences. In Lana's video Mandler has chosen to use a lot of wide shots to showcase her surroundings, coinciding with the meaning of the song, being free and alive, thus heightening that with his choice of shots and angles.
Below Mandler has chosen to use wide shots again to showcase the artist, Rihanna and to amplify the lyrics of the song, "make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world," as by using this shot the audience clearly see that she is the only one there.
The shot below is a beautiful extreme close up Rihanna, which really captures her emotions, thus really making the audience empathise with her, depicting her as the victim.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Location - planning
Below are some shots of Camden. I have chosen Camden to be my primary location because the artist that I'm basing my new artist on is Amy Whinehouse. Camden is an urban, cool, young place which embraces the weird, quirky and hipster type people and these people are my target audience therefore I think that it is only fitting to film in this particular area. Moreover, the atmosphere from this area is always so live and chaotic which fits the themes of the song, a girl walking the streets, not really knowing where she's going. Camden is full of people like that, trying to find themselves.
Friday, 3 October 2014
Star text evaluation - Justin Bieber

This video shows a young squeaky clean Justin singing to a girl at a bowling alley. At this stage of his career, his management were effectively trying to make him an icon that young girls would love and someone their parents wouldn't mind them loving as he had this wholesome, good boy image going on.

These two shots show a slightly older Justin, moving into hip-pop scene, as he started collaborating with rappers. However, he was still deemed a sweet and nice boy as the picture on the right is from his Never Say Never album where he collaborated with Jaden Smith- the (at the time) 11 year old son of Will Smith.
Below is a collage of shots of Justin in music videos. As you can see, the use of close ups within Bieber's videos have altered over the years: at the start of his career his close ups were just of him being goofy and cute whereas, as he's gotten older they've changed to apeeal to an older audience. For example in his "As Long As You Love Me" video, he took a dab at acting, as this video had a narrative therefore there were a lot of close up shots showing the serious side of Jusin; this was a stategic move from his management as they knew that casting directors would see this and could perhaps bear him in mind for future products (this worked as he has been in shows like CSI.) Moreover, his latest videos also seem to show him with other people, as his management are no longer trying to sell him as he has a loyal audience, they're selling his company, whether its a collaboration with Juicy J- to target a hip-hop loving audience or showing him in an intimate embrace with a woman- appealing to an older audience, suggesting that he isn't a little boy anymore, e.g. the last picture of him and Nicki Minaj gyrating shows him in a completely different light.

Above is a mug shot of Justin clearly showing how much this star has changed over the years, but unfortunately for the worst. As the last few years have shown the consequences of growing up in the public eye. He like many other child stars, found himself in a media uproar; being arrested for drink driving, speeding in a residential area, posing with drugs and hanging around people who the media deem as "bad influences."
Whether you liked him before or after, Justin Bieber was and still is an incredibly successful young star and continues to sells millions of records world wide and this is a result of his hard work, popular songs, clever and well-picked collaborations and guest appearances and a very loyal fan base that have supported him throughout the dramas h'e faced.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Below are some words that came to mind when I was thinking about the narrative of my music video
- Desire
- Lust
- Male gaze
- Liquor
- Boys
- Girls
- Famous and dumb early age
- Lipstick
- Red
- Dress
- Voyeurism
- Secret
- Life
- Alter ego
- Innocence
- Youth
- Sensual
- Streets
- Night and day
- Party
- Troubled
- Performer
- Entertain
- Fun
- Love
- Missing
- Issues
- Care
- Space
- Company
- Lonely
Initial plans for my music video
Song choice: Carmen by Lana Del Rey
Possible Artist names:
Liberty Haze
Skylar Ray/Gray
Possible Artist names:
Liberty Haze
Skylar Ray/Gray
Possible Locations:
Camden Roundhouse
Camden lock- at night
Stage Classroom- Party scene
Bedroom/ Dressing room
Off licence
Camden high street
Primrose hill
Jazz Cafe/ Coffee shop
Aim of video:
I want this video to have an auto-biographical feel as I want my audience to connect with my artist. Hence why I've chosen to film my video as if it was a documentary.
I want this video to have an auto-biographical feel as I want my audience to connect with my artist. Hence why I've chosen to film my video as if it was a documentary.
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